What commitment will you make to shift Alberta's ecosystem?

On May 10, 2022, AB Seed’s Spring Reconvene brought members of the ecosystem back to the Scott Block Theatre in Red Deer. Our intention with these “reconvening” events is to provide opportunities for ecosystem members to engage with each other through meaningful dialogue and the May 10 gathering was no exception as we had designed the entire day to be heavily focused on having conversations.
We were honoured to have Diane Roussin, the Project Director of The Winnipeg Boldness Project, join us in circle to start our day. She was instrumental in setting the tone of our gathering as she invited us to open our minds, ask unexpected questions, and perhaps most importantly, have trust in those that were present and working alongside us in this process.
The day was alive with energy and it was clear that everyone had not only taken Diane’s words to heart but had also enthusiastically adopted the event’s intention as AB Seed staff spent most of the day having to gently interrupt the many vibrant conversations that were happening to keep things moving. In fact, when lunch was ready (after already being 15 minutes late) not one person ended their chat to actually get food!
By the end of the day, during our closing circles, it appeared that the event had accomplished our goal to spark curiosity by leaving participants with more questions than answers. Many expressed this exact sentiment but they also commented they felt re-energized with their work, had made new connections, and didn’t want to lose the learnings and momentum from the conversations they had.
Having anticipated this last point would likely be raised, we concluded the Spring Reconvene by asking participants to declare how they would commit to transitioning their conversations into actions. These commitments were shared and written on a banner.
Zoom in on digital version of the banner below to see what commitments were made!
