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There is a lot of information that swirls around within AB Seed. From time to time we catch and capture this information into more easily digestible documents. Here you will find some of our key documents that we thought might be of interest to you, the ecosystem. 

Updated June 2023

Retreat Summary Report

During this retreat, advisors and managers from ABSI Connect and AB Seed came together and decided to formally integrate the two entities into one. This report summarizes the process this group went through during the two day retreat. 

May 9-10 Retreat Summary Report.jpg
Draft Guiding Document Ver 2.0 Feb 2023.jpg

Version 2.0 Feb 2023

Guiding Document

After many circular conversations to nail down AB Seed's vision and mission, we decided to innovate and pivot our approach. What came from this is AB Seed's Guiding Document, which outlines some key questions and guiding principles and goals for our work. 

Version 1.0 Feb 2022

Guiding Document

After many circular conversations to nail down AB Seed's vision and mission, we decided to innovate and pivot our approach. What came from this is AB Seed's Guiding Document, which outlines some key questions and guiding principles and goals for our work. 

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Summary of Fall 2021 Gathering.jpg

Updated January 2022

Fall Reconvene
Summary Document

On November 22, 2021, the ecosystem gathered around the purpose of reconnecting the Alberta social economy ecosystem, reconnecting with each other, reconnecting with AB Seed, and identifying the trends in the ecosystem. This document is a summary of what was discussed during the day. 

Updated November 2021

Fall Reconvene
Pre-Read Document

In preparation of the Fall gathering, we created this document to provide context about AB Seed. It highlights where AB Seed started and the journey since then. 

AB Seed Reconvene Pre-Read Document_2.jpg
Engagement Strategy_Dec. 2021.jpg

Updated December 2021

Engagement Strategy

This document outlines the types of engagement activities we were focusing on, the progress made, and which direction the information was flowing for each engagement activity.  

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